- Thứ ba - 16/08/2016 13:59
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- Đóng cửa sổ này
ASILS is a conference series to encourage collaborations of Asian countries on intense laser science within the framework of Asian Intense Laser Network (AILN).

Call for papers
ASILS is a conference series to encourage collaborations of Asian countries on intense laser science within the framework of Asian Intense Laser Network (AILN). The 1st Asian symposium on Intense Laser Science (ASILS) was held in Tokyo, Japan during June 18-19, 2004, followed by the kick-off committee meeting for the AILN establishment. From the second ASILS, ASILS2, held in Kochi, India on Jan. 22~27, 2006, the AILN has been in charge of running the ASILS symposium series. ASILS3 was held in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia on July 2~6, 2007 and ASILS4 in Gwangju, Korea on November 3 ~ 6, 2008. The 5th ASIAN SYMPOSIUM ON INTENSE LASER SCIENCE (ASILS5) was held on 2 - 5 December 2009 at Hanoi, the capital of Vietnam....THE 9th ASIAN SYMPOSIUM ON INTENSE LASER SCIENCE (ASILS9) will be held from 6 - 10 November 2016 in Ninh Binh City, Vietnam. This meeting has been organizing by Institute of Physics, Vietnam Academy of Science and Technology, Vietnam Physical Society in cooperation with international and domestic scientific institutions.
In association with the ASILS9 symposium, an international College (for which the tutorial lectures will be given by international experts) will be held in Hanoi from 1-5 November, 2016. The purpose of this five-day course is for training young physicists and/or students of Vietnam and Asian countries in the fields of laser science and photonics.
Brief information Announcement
Scientific topics:
- High intense laser physics and technology
- Ionization and dissociation dynamics
- Laser driven particle acceleration
- Harmonics generation and atto-second physics
- Femto-chemistry and femto-biology
- Nonlinear Optics and parametric process
- Pulse propagation and filamentation
- Coherent Control
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