Tuesday - 12/09/2017 17:28
The Asia-Pacific Center for Theoretical Physics (APCTP) was established in Korea in June 1996 with the 10 member countries in the Asia-Pacific region, including Vietnam. Nowadays, the Asia-Pacific Center for Theoretical Physics (APCTP) consists of 15 member countries: Australia, Beijing, India, Japan, Kazakhstan, Korea, Lao PDR, Malaysia, Mongolia, Philippines, Singapore, Taipei, Thailand, Uzbekistan and Vietnam. More countries in the Asia-Pacific region are expected to join the Center in the near future.
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APCTP information
The Asia-Pacific Center for Theoretical Physics (APCTP) was established in Korea in June 1996 with the 10 member countries in the Asia-Pacific region, including Vietnam.
Nowadays, the Asia-Pacific Center for Theoretical Physics (APCTP) consists of 15 member countries: Australia, Beijing, India, Japan, Kazakhstan, Korea, Lao PDR, Malaysia, Mongolia, Philippines, Singapore, Taipei, Thailand, Uzbekistan and Vietnam. More countries in the Asia-Pacific region are expected to join the Center in the near future. APCTP Aim
As an international organization in the field of theoretical Physics, APCTP aims to lead basic science in the Asia-Pacific region. APCTP Roles
To create a basic research hub and to enhance global leadership capacity.
To provide an academic platform for theoretical physics community in the Asia-Pacific region.
To facilitate international collaboration, and to train young scientists in the Asia-Pacific region.
APCTP Structure
APCTP activities:
The Asia-Pacific Center for Theoretical Physics (APCTP) runs numerous research programs:
Junior Research Group (JRG): The Center supports and funds outstanding physicists’inspirational ideas and their research projects. Each group leader can organize a research group and run it independently. Such a program promotes young scientists in leadership roles;
Young Scientist Training (YST): The Center gives an oppotunity to young physicists from the Asia Pacific region to increase their research capacity with the stimulating and active scientific enviroment. YST provides post-doctoral positions.
Visitors Program: The Center strongly encourages short and long-term visits by researchers or small research group from the Asia-Pacific region.
The Center also supports scientific activities:
Academic Programs: The programs will provide young scientists such as graduate students and post-doctors with oppotunities to meet the frontier of research or emerging research topics, and their participation is strongly encouraged.
Focus research programs: There are intensive research programs from 2 weeks to several months for focused research and discussion on recent hot topics. It enables local research group to develop international collaboration and to integrate into Asia Pacific community and to pursue in-depth studies in a sharply focused field.
Physics Outreach Programs: The Center carries out diverse science activities to communicate with the general public and strengthen scientific ties among scientists the Asia-Pacific region.
Please see more APCTP information and activities in its Website: APCTP International Cooperation
The Asia-Pacific Center for Theoretical Physics (APCTP) has had cooperation with the member countries and institutes (19 partnerships with 25 institutes) such as the International Center for Theoretical Physics (ICTP), Trieste, Italy; the National Center for Theoretical Science (NCTS), Taipei; the Pacific Institute for Mathematical Sciences (PIMS) Canada; the European Center for Theoretical Studies in Nuclear Physics and Related Areas (ECT), Italy; Institute of Theoretical Physics, Chinese Academy of Science (ITP, CAS); Max-Plank Institute for Physics of Complex Systems (MPI-PKS), Germany; The Joint Institute for Nuclear Physics (JINR), Russia; Yukawa Institute for Theoretical Physics (YITP), Kyoto University, Japan; Institute for Solid State Physics (ISSP), Tokyo University, Japan; the Institute of Physics (IOP/CAS), Chinese Academy of Science…
Particularly, the Asia-Pacific Center for Theoretical Physics (APCTP) has had cooperation with the Vietnam Physical Society (VPS) since 2005, and the Institute of Physics, Vietnam Academy of Science and Technology (VAST) since 2009.
Vietnamese scientists at APCTP
As mentioned above, the establishment of APCTP had taken a long time for preparation from the beginning of 1993 to June 1996. During that time period, Prof. Acad. Nguyễn Văn Hiệu was an unique Vietnamese scientist represent ting Vietnam to participate actively in the establishment of APCTP. In the APCTP history, Prof. Acad. Nguyễn Văn Hiệu has been registrated as one of the initiators of APCTP.
In Jan.1997, the Board appointed Prof. Chen NinhYang (Nobel Laureate for Physics in 1975) as the first President of APCTP and Chairperson of the APCTP Board Trustees.
In April 2001, Prof. Akito Arima (Former Minister of Education of Japan) was selected as the second Chairperson of the APCTP Board Trustees.
In April 2004, Prof. Robert Betts Laughlin (Nobel Laureate for Physics in 1998) was appointed as the second President of the APCTP.
The 1st President and Chairman of APCTP: Prof. C.N. Yang (Nobel Laureate for Physics 1975) and the 2nd Chairman of APCTP: Prof. A. Arima (Former Minister of Education in Japan).
The 2nd President of APCTP: Prof. R.B. Laughlin (Nobel Laureate for Physics 1998), and the 3rd Chairman of APCTP: Prof. Acad. Nguyễn Văn Hiệu (Former President of VAST).
In December 2005, Prof. Nguyen Van Hieu (Vietnam) was selected as the third Chairperson of the APCTP Board Trustees in the terms 1996-2010. He had contributed very actively and effectively to the development of APCTP.
Prof. Nguyen Hong Quang (Former Deputy-Director, IOP, VAST) had been a member of APCTP General Council in the term 2009-2013.
Prof. Nguyen Ba An (Physicist at IOP, VAST) who received in 2015 the Ta Quang Buu Prize of Vietnam Ministry of Science and Technology, has been appointed as member of APCTP Board of Trustees in the terms 2014-2016 and 2017-2019.
Prof. Nguyen Dai Hung (VPS President and Former Director of IOP, VAST) has been appointed as member of APCTP General Council in the terms 2014-2016 and 2017-2019.
As active and continuous contribution of Vietnamese physicists to APCTP, the Asia-Pacific Center for Theoretical Physics (APCTP) has had close cooperation with the Vietnam Physical Society (VPS) since 2005, and the Institute of Physics, Vietnam Academy of Science and Technology (VAST) since 2009. Vietnamese physicists and, in particular, young physicists have received APCTP funds to participate in various research programs of APCTP.
Vietnam Physical Society (VPS) are main co-organizers of many regular scientific meetings at national and international level:
International Conference on Photonics and Applications –ICPA (every 2 years)
International Workshopon Theoretical Physics & Computational Physics (every year)
International Workshopon Applied & Engineering Physics –CAEP (every 2 years)
International Workshop on Advanced Materials Science & Nanotechnology- IWAMSN (every 2 years)…
International Workshop on Nanotechnology and Application - IWNA(every 2 years)
National Conference on Theoretical Physics (every year)
National Conference on Optics and Spectroscopy (every 2 years)
National Conference on Solid State Physics & Materials Science (every 2 years)
National Conference on Applied and Engineering Physics (every 2 years)
National Conference on Nuclear Physics (every 2 years)
National Conference on Physical Teaching (every 2 years)
Vietnam School of Physics (VSOP, every year)
International College of Photonics and Applications (ICOPA, every year)
International College of Theoretical Physics & Computational Physics
Academic Conference on Natural Sciences for young scientists, PhD and Master students from ASEAN Countries –CASEAN (every 2 years)…
Some of these international scientific meetings are financially supported by APCTP as its external activities in Vietnam. The First Vietnam School of Physics (VSOP) was organized in 1994. The VSOP series has been held in different cities in Vietnam every year, under the cooperation between VPS, IOP, VAST and Rencontre du Vietnam Group. Depending on scientific topics selected, the VSOP invites international senior scientists and professors to give lectures and attracts more 60 participants/ school (including about 30 ASEAN participants)…
The International Workshop on Nanotechnology and Application (IWNA) has been held every 2 years (odd) in Vietnam under the cooperation between Vietnam National University Ho Chi Minh City and international institutions. The scientific topics of IWNA are Fundamentals of Nanotechnology, Nanofabrication Techniques, Nanomaterials and Nanodevices, Applications of Nanotechnology. The IWNA series attracted more 200 domestic participants and more 50 international participants.
The International Conference on Photonics and Applications (ICPA) has been held every 2 years, at different cities in Vietnam under the cooperation between Institute of Physics, Vietnam Academy of Science and Technology (VAST) and international institutions. The scientific topics of ICPA are Optics, Photonics and Spectroscopy Photonics Materials and Devices, Advanced Laser Light Sources, Optoelectronics and Integrated Optics, Nonlinear Optics, Spectroscopy of Nano and Photonic Materials, Applications of Optics, Photonics and Spectroscopy and related areas. The ICPA series attracted more 250 domestic and about 100 international & ASEAN participants. The International Workshop on Advanced Materials Science and Nanotechnology (IWAMSN) has been held every 2 years (even) in Vietnam under the cooperation between Institute of Materials Science, Vietnam Academy of Science and Technology (VAST) and international institutions. The scientific topics of IWAMSN are Materials for Electronics and Photonics, Nanomaterials and Devices, Nanotechnology for Life Science and Environmental Technology, New Materials for Energy and Two dimensional Hexagonal Semiconductors. The IWAMSN series attracted more 300 domestic participants and more 150 international and ASEAN participants.
Expected activities under the cooperation with APCTP:
Active participation in the APCTP research programme and scientific activities that would be held in Korea Republic or/and APCTP member countries.
Active enhancement of all cooperation in scientific research and training with APCTP and APCTP member countries.
Creation and organization of new two international conference series on Nuclear Physics and Theoretical Physics under the close scientific cooperation with APCTP.
Creating effective plans of scientific cooperation between APCTP (APCTP member countries) and research institutions in Vietnam, particularly, the International Centre for Physics (Category 2, under the auspice of UNESCO and founded 2017) and Advanced Centre for Physics (operated as a Center of Excellency (CoE) in Physics) located at Vietnam Academy of Science and Technology./.