Established in 1969 by Decision 25-CP of the Vietnamese government signed on February 5, 1969
1. Address:
- Address: 10 Dao Tan street, Ba Dinh, Hanoi, Vietnam
- Phone: (84-4) 22123607; Fax: (84-4) 3766 9050
- Email: office@iop.vast.ac.vn
- Website: www.iop.vast.ac.vn
2. Function and Tasks:
- Carry out research in fundamental physics, engineering and applied physics at fore front level and contribute to the advancement of science and technology in Vietnam.
- Carry out advanced technology developments and transfers to promote socio-economic developments.
- Provide training of scientists in physics and related fields. Organize graduate training at master and PhD level.
- Promote international collaborations in physics research, technology transfer and training.
3. Organizing structure:
- Center for Theoretical Physics
- Center for Quantum Electronics
- Center for Nuclear Physics
- Center for Computational Physics
- Center for Environmental Physics
- Center for Engineering Physics
- Center for Cooperation in Technology Transferring
- MODIS Satellite Data Receiving Station
- Laboratory of Automation
- Laboratory of System Administration and LAN Security
- Laboratory of Electro-Optics
- Graduate School in Physics (100 Master and 50 PhD students/ year).
4. Human resources:
- Total number: (permanent staff: 102; contract: 93) 195
- Number of professors 31
- Number of PhD and DrSc: 58
- Number of women staff: 34
5. Scientific Activities and Results:
- Average number of publication per year of the institute is about 120 (mainly published in international journals ISI, SCI, SCI-E and conference proceedings).
- Average number of scientific book and patent per year: 05 and 04.
- IOP has organized its Graduate School in Physics since 1980s devoted to training in the fields of physics. Number of Master students per year is about 100 and number of PhD students per year is about 50.
- IOP organizes international, national and regular conference series as follows:
- International Conference on Photonics and Applications (every 2 year, since 1996)
- International Conference on Applied and Engineering Physics (every 2 year)
- International Workshop on Theoretical Physics and Computational Physics (every year)
- ASEAN Conference on Natural Science for young scientists from ASEAN countries (every 2 year)
- International Annual College of various thematic physics (nanophysics, quantum physics, quantum electronics, photonics and applications, nuclear physics, computational physics…, every year).
- Vietnam school of Physics VSOP (IOP & Rencontres du Vietnam) (every year, since 1994).
- National Conference on Theoretical Physics (every year, since 1976)
- National Conference on Optics and Spectroscopy (every 2 year, since 1996)
- National Conference on Applied Physics (every 2 year)…
6. International cooperation:
- IOP promotes cooperation in scientific research, technology transfer and applications as well as training… with many international institutions and universities (US, Canada, French, Germany, Italy, Holland, Poland, Russia, Belarus, Ukraine, India, China, Japan, R. Korea, ASEAN countries…). With the Africa, cooperation plans for 2016-2020 are being actively considered.
- Every year, IOP organizes International Vietnam Schools of Physics and International College of different thematic Physics following to ICTP experience and syllabuses, for young teachers and researchers from ASEAN countries (Laos, Cambodia, Indonesia, Myanmar, Malaysia, Philippines, Thailand…).
- Every year, IOP invites and financially supports 50 lecturers and researchers from ASEAN countries to attend scientific conferences, research schools and colleges organized in Vietnam. IOP has trained 10 Masters and PhDs from National University of Lao (P.D. Laos) and provides Master and PhD courses on modern physics at Royal University of Phnom Penh, Cambodia…
- Network of oversea Vietnamese physicists: Prof. DAM THANH SON (Chicago University, USA), Prof. NGUYEN MANH DUC (Oxford, UK), Prof. DAO VAN LAP (Swinburne University of Technology, Australia); Prof. TRAN THANH VAN (CNRS France, Rencontres du Vietnam), Prof. LUU LE HANG (MIT, USA); Prof. PHAM LE KIEN (Wien University, Austria)…
7. Scientific achievements: IOP won many honors and prizes in science and technology
- The First Class “Order of Labor“ of the Vietnamese Government (1989),
- The Second Class “Order of Labor“ of the Vietnamese Government (2014),
- The Third Class “Order of Labor“ of the Vietnamese Government (2009)
- State Prize in Science and Technology to the scientists of Institute of Physics and Institute of Materials (1998) on materials sciences.
Outstanding scientists:
- Acad. Prof. NGUYEN VAN HIEU (LENIN Prize in Science and Technology of the former Soviet Union; HO CHI MINH Prize of the Vietnamese government; Member of the former Soviet Union Academy of Science; Member of the Third World Academy of Science, TWAS…); Acad. Prof. DAO VONG DUC (Member of the Third World Academy of Science, TWAS…); Prof. TRAN DUC THIEP and Prof. NGUYEN VAN DO awarded with the prize “Talented Scientists in Natural Science” (2011); Prof. NGUYEN BA AN awarded with the TA QUANG BUU Prize of MOST (2014)…
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